Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 & 2 Kelas XI

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 & 2 Kelas XI

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 & 2 Kelas XI
Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 & 2 Kelas XI

Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI

1. What is the definition, purpose and generic structure of procedure?

2. Please create a text procedure with the title “how to make a pudding”!

3. What is the definition of conditional sentence?

4. Please change to type I, II and III 

a. I would be there now if she invited me to her wedding party.
b. We would study abroad if we passed the final test.
c. She will live with me if I am a rich man.
d. The police will not come if noone calls them.
e. He wouldn’t have got an accident if he had driven the car carefully.

5. Please change the sentences below into facts!

a. If I had much money, she would marry me.
b. I would tell you the truth if I knew it.
c. Anton would have punched you if she hadn’t told him to be calm down.
d. If she had got married with me last month, she would have been happy.
e. He wouldn’t have got an accident if he had driven the car carefully.

6. What is the definiton, purpose and generic structure of report?

7. What is the definition, purpose and generic structure of analytical exposition?

8. Please make a biography about your self!

9. Please make three sentences about simple present and change to + (positive), _ (negative) , and ? (introgative)!

10. Please create text analytical exposition with the title “the danger of smoking”!

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